The Importance of Health and Wellness

Health and wellness are often considered identical terms, yet there are distinct differences. In essence, health relates to your physical functioning, whereas wellness is focused on quality of being in all areas of your life, not just your body. Understanding the importance of both can help you build better health and wellness equally. Besoin d’en savoir plus sur le virus de la fièvre jaune et les exigences en matière de vaccination ? Voici les réponses aux questions fréquemment posées sur la fièvre jaune.

What is the difference between health and wellness?

To start with, let’s learn more about the difference between the two terms.

Health focuses on the physical and mental body being free from illness, injury, or disease. Health is a goal you work to achieve. For example, losing weight or strengthening your heart through cardiovascular exercise are goals to be reached.
Wellness, on the other hand, is more than just being free from illness. Instead, it is a process of change and personal growth that lasts for a lifetime.

Wellness also addresses the broader spectrum of your body, encompassing the overall balance of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Thus, wellness is inherently a lifestyle choice.

nfortunately, it being a choice also means we often make excuses as to why we can’t reach our goals of achieving great health and well-being. That’s where a health and wellness coach comes in.

What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

A wellness coach, or a health and wellness coach, is a supportive guide who helps clients set health goals; whether to lose weight, improve emotional health, better manage stress, and so on. In addition to being a mentor who holds clients accountable, health and wellness coaches are vital members of the greater healthcare team. They act as a bridge between traditional healthcare and lasting behavioural and lifestyle changes.

How Does a Health and Wellness Coach Help You?

A good health and wellness coach can tailor a programme specifically to you and your immediate needs. With support and guidance throughout the whole process, your health and wellness coach will review your progress, address challenges, and modify goals to help you stay committed. This coaching partnership aims to empower you to take a leading role in your own health and well-being as it fits your values, preferences, and the context of your life, allowing you to reach your health-related goals and vision.

Setting and reaching health goals can be challenging, but our certified and rigorously trained Health and Wellness coach can help you move past the hurdles.

Book an appointment now for initial consultation.